Electricians costs in Camano Island, WA

According to data.gov the minimum electricians costs for homeowners in Camano Island, WA is $874, the average is $1133 and the maximum is $1272.

Distribution of electricians costs in Camano Island, WA
Popular electricians services

Based on our statistics of searches in Camano Island, WA the most popular services provided by electricians are: electric fuse box repair, electric generator repair and gfci repair.

Popular services provided by electricians in Camano Island, WA
Servicing zip codes

Electricians in this list provide services to multiple zip codes in and around Camano Island (i.e 98282). For specific service areas, kindly reach out to the individual businesses.

Electricians in Camano Island, WA

  • Names and Numbers Verified Contractors - General Electric & Gas Generators Electrician ENERGY CONSERVATION - PRODUCTS & SERVICES

    Ki Electrical Services, Inc, a licensed, reliable, experienced electrical company. Providing unparalleled quality, service, and attention to detail to our customers in both our commercial and residential Arlington, WA electric services. Whether your project is large or small, f…

    Arlington, WA
    (360) 403- show number
  • Electrician

    Bennett Electric Inc from Camano Island, WA. Company specialized in: Electrician. Please call us for more information - (360) 387-0315

    104 Can Ku Rd Camano Island, WA
    (360) 387-0315
  • Electrician

    BE Brack Electric is a reputable electrical services company providing comprehensive solutions for residential, commercial, and industrial clients. With a strong focus on customer satisfaction, BE Brack Electric specializes in a wide range of electrical services, including resid…

    1024 Utsaldy Rd Camano Island, WA
    (360) 939-2050
  • Electrician Pumps Service

    Chappel Construction Inc from Camano Island, WA. Company specialized in: Electrician. Please call us for more information - (360) 387-8250

    Camano Island, WA
    (360) 387-8250
  • Electric Companies Electrical Engineers Electrician

    Galloway Electrical Improvements from Camano Island, WA. Company specialized in: Electric Companies. Please call us for more information - (360) 770-7499

    1016 Bayshore Dr Camano Island, WA
    (360) 770-7499
  • Electrician

    Hansen'S Electrical Service from Camano Island, WA. Company specialized in: Electrician. Please call us for more information - (425) 870-6955

    Camano Island, WA
    (425) 870-6955
  • Electrician

    Wickstrom Electric from Camano Island, WA. Company specialized in: Electrician. Please call us for more information - (360) 387-2966

    Camano Island, WA
    (360) 387-2966

Search results hints


Our search focused on top-rated Electricians in Camano Island, WA. Seeking additional businesses? You might want to extend your search to Washington state.


Included in this list are only Electricians and associated businesses. Every business listed has at least one piece of contact information, such as a phone number, website, or email.

Certified Profiles

You will notice that some businesses are marked with a "certified" badge. It indicates that they claimed their profile and were certified by Names and Numbers.