Skagit County Landscape

Local Businesses in Skagit County

Skagit County is a county in Washington State, USA. The population of the district for 2018 was 121,725 people. The county’s administrative center is Mount Vernon.

Skagit County was founded in 1883 and covered 4493.6 square kilometers.

The economy of Skagit County employs 54.2k people. The largest industries in Skagit County are Health Care & Social Assistance (7,703 people), Manufacturing (6,596 people), and Retail Trade (6,461 people). The highest paying industries are Mining, Quarrying, & Oil & Gas Extraction ($106,607), Utilities ($78,026), and Public Administration ($54,943).

The median household income in Skagit County is $59,263. Males in Skagit County have an average income that is 1.36 times higher than the average income of females, which is $53,882.

Skagit County Statistical Data
Skagit County Statistical Data (download as PDF)

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