Company Description

Lo­cated in Mount Ver­non, HKP Ar­chi­tects (The Henry Klein Part­ner­ship, Ar­chi­tects) has been pro­vid­ing ar­chi­tec­tural ser­vices to the Pa­cific North­west since 1952. Aware­ness over time of our im­pacts and suc­cesses makes HKP sen­si­tive, responsible, and highly respectful of our many long-term relationships with clients and the community. A re­view of our work will show re­mark­able con­sis­tency over the past six decades.

Our work fo­cuses on civic build­ings and spaces, ed­u­ca­tional fa­cil­ity plan­ning and de­sign, non-profit and com­mu­nity-ori­ented pro­jects, pri­vate homes
work that lifts peo­ple up in their lives. Whether they are places of learn­ing, af­ford­able hous­ing or cul­tural in­sti­tu­tion work, our fo­cus is about ser­vice, sim­plic­ity and sus­tain­abil­ity. Our ob­jec­tive is to re­al­ize your vi­sion and op­ti­mize every op­por­tu­nity. All of our projects emphasize long-term value for our clients through efficient use of space, appropriate use of materials, sustainability, and the benefits of natural light.

HKP Ar­chi­tects is a WBE cer­ti­fied firm.

Products & Services

Civic buildings and spaces ,   Private homes ,   Non-profit and community-oriented projects ,   Educational facility planning and design  

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Hkp Architects

314 Pine St #205 Mount Vernon, WA
(360) 336-2155

Other Locations

204 W Montgomery St Mount Vernon, WA

(360) 336-3657